Accurate specifications of filtration mesh screens

Filtration is the most important application for woven wire meshes. Filter meshes and mesh combinations are the outcome of extreme research and experience of innumerable applications in diverse industrial sectors. Our best filtration results can be attained by achieving the suitable balance between different elements, premium quality materials, stainless steel, flawless meshes and extensive understanding of filtration processing in the various applications.

By using woven nickel wire mesh screens it is ensured that you will receive secure and economical filtration results. Considering the initial flow of gases and liquids containing solids, the screens separate the particles larger than holes from the solid containing gases or liquids. These are captured on the mesh surface and with time, build up a filter cake which works as a further filtration medium. The filtrate is removed when it becomes too thick or too compacted. Accurate pore distribution results in regular build up of filter cake, and the smooth surface of mesh offers good cake release and backwashing.

Essential factors to be considered while choosing the screens for filtration process:

Material, loading during process, pressure ratio, mass shape.

Determining geometric pore size is based on weaving factors like type of weave, warp and weft diameters and mesh count. The geometric pore size states the diameter of the largest sphere passing through the weave.

The underlying equations to state the geometric pore size were evaluated and tested in lab conditions. The mesh fineness or pore size is an essential characteristic of filter mesh. Nowadays, this term is mainly used to state the absolute filter fineness. This states the diameter of the largest solid spherical particle which can flow through the filter medium under static flow conditions.

For monofilaments, twilled dutch mesh weave produces small pores and smooth mesh surface whilst the larger material cross section offers higher levels of mesh stability. When passing through a twilled dutch mesh, particles should follow five offset pore levels. It states that oblong, thin and fibrous particles are safely held. Fine specification twilled mesh screens are used for fine filtration like pressure filtration in hydraulic steering equipment and fuel filters for critical applications. Coarser specification twilled dutch meshes are used for pressure and vacuum filtration and hence porous medium for fluidized bed applications. These screens are usually produced from stainless steel.

Plain dutch weave mesh has a slightly textured surface and is mainly used to handle high flow rates and offers low pressure loss. This weave type is commonly used where mechanical loading is high for example for settling filters and filter candles, well filters and vacuum filters. Heanjia supplies mesh screens which are made of durable and corrosion resistant materials. These screens offer long life and can be produced in a wide range of specifications to serve your needs. Contact us today to discuss your application requirements and order a mesh. We will be happy to assist you.

Nickel mesh electrode for Solid oxide fuel cell

Flattened expanded metal manufacturer

Mesh electrodes with a micromesh or nanomesh structures are produced for use as high quality thin films. The films overcome low oxidation resistance of ordinary material.

Currently anode in solid oxide fuel cell stacks is placed in contact with Ni anode or in various cases, with nickel current collector. Nickel current collector is usually a wire mesh which provides suitable electrical contact between the interconnect and anode. The elemental activity gradients between interconnect material and nickel parts result in the diffusion of elements like iron, chromium, manganese from the interconnect in the nickel. For example, nickel mesh electrode for SOFC is when spot-welded to the interconnector, outstanding contact resistance values are mainly noticed. For a chromium based interconnector, the interdiffusion can result in wide void development at the Cr-Ni interface affecting the contact of materials. Nickel plating is used to prevent this issue, but wide external diffusion of chromium in nickel with subsequent chromia development on the nickel layer during prolong exposure could not be avoided.

Interdiffusion between a ferritic steel connect the spot welded nickel wire mesh leading to nickel transport in steel resulting in local austenite development. In case of high chromium steels, interdiffusion with nickel may cause further phase transformation. For instance, the ferritic steel attained development of delta phase near the interface between the original ferritic phase and the austenitic layer during exposure to anode gas at 600oC.

Conversion of ferrite into austenite and delta phase as a result of interdiffusion with nickel layer may have several essential results for the overall material performance. The slower chromium diffusion in the austenite may prohibit the development and growth of the security chromia base surface layer. Additionally, the austenite has higher critical exposure than the ferrite which may cause development of mechanical stresses during thermal cycling. Presence of brittle delta phase may cause crack development and thus reduction of overall performance of the interconnect. These characteristic changes as a result of interdiffusion are anticipated to be main concern when thin interconnects are used. Usually, the potential to delta phase development increases with reducing temperature and increasing chromium concentration.

Chromium and other steel elements into wire mesh delivers the alloy that produces surface oxide layers in the anode side condition which may finally result in reduced catalytic activity of the cermet anode, based on the prevailing design.

When carbon containing fuel is used, the presence of nickel result in flow of carbon from gas in steel which is not usually found when the bare steel is subjected to anode conditions. Pre-oxide layers are evaluated as barriers to reduce interdiffusion processes between the interconnect and nickel current collector. The pre-developed oxide layers tended, although are dissolved in nickel so that after prolong exposure durations, the unnecessary interdiffusion process occurred again.

High oxygen solubility in copper suppresses the dissociation of the oxide layer and geometrical damage of the contact was decreased due to compensation of these irregularities by plastic deformation of the material. Nickel mesh is ideally used as an anode current collector here.

Woven wire and mesh cloth materials for filter and architectural applications

extruder screens

Heanjia is a professional supplier of high quality weaving solutions. We have the potential to weave all grades of stainless steel, and special alloys for use in refining and petrochemical plants, and standard materials for separation and screening applications. We produce a vast range of weave patterns including square mesh, rectangular and slotted opening. We can weave a wide range of openings with a vast range of wire diameter specifications.

For wire cloth and mesh products, Heanjia maintains a wide range of wire cloth products, in wide range of material grades, crimp styles and meshes. We supply the wire cloth in the various parts of the world for use in different applications such as:

Sifiting, sizing, filtration , separation, glare control, hand rails, safety guards, bug control, process screens, livestock, medical equipment, filters, fuel cells, mud screens, separator, waste processing, centrifuge screens, fuel cells, hydraulic systems, separator screens, filters, strainers, oil, fuel,air and water filter, liquid screening, catalyst support screens, and cathode screens.

Mesh Cloth Material

Wire cloth or mesh screens are produced from standard and super metals and alloys for use in specific applications. Commonly used materials are:

Stainless steel – SS 316



Nickel and nickel super alloys are Monel 400, Hastelloy B, Hastelloy C, Inconel 600, Incoloy 800 and Nichrome.

Wire space cloth – It has a special role in determining the sizing, screening and separating, usually defined by the opening size instead by mesh count. Wire mesh with opening 0.25 inch ad above is called as space cloth. Open area percent and weight are essential factors for various applications of wire mesh cloth. Square space cloth is made in woven form. Woven wire mesh clothes are popularly used for specific opening counts that make them suitable for use in different applications.

Square mesh wire cloth is offered in different mesh and weaving sizes. The mesh count is specified by the count of openings in a linear inch measured from the center of a wire to a point of other wire. Woven mesh is stable and rigid cloth as it offers good mechanical properties.

The high quality filter wire cloth comprises heavy warp wire that has higher strength and higher durability as compare to square weave mesh. Considering its highly precise geometrical structures that our production procedures, our filter cloth comprises uniform porosity that is far superior to fiberous or synthetic filter screens.

Macro filter wire cloth Inconel mesh features larger count of wires in shute direction as compare to warp direction of the mesh. It can be easily cleaned and can be woven in different materials into various weaving patterns.

The strength and versatility produced by the woven wire mesh make it a perfect choice for many designers and fabricators. This durable mesh can be sheared, formed, fabricated and finished to the required specifications.

Heanjia also produces handrail infill panels in appealing mesh patterns. It can be used in various architectural applications of domestic and commercial buildings. Contact us to get your mesh fabricated from durable and reliable materials that provide long term performance.

Woven filter screen mesh for high throughput rated applications

Nickel Wire Mesh Sieves and Strainers

The woven metal filter screen has been used for filtration media for over 100 years. It is attributed by its trouble-free production, easy maintenance and long life. The filter structure is fully uniform throughout the whole area as compared to fiber filter screen that is made of plastic. Considering the material used, wire mesh filters have good mechanical strength, high temperature resistance, wettability and are highly resistant to chemical and physical corrosive agents. Heanjia filter cloth is used in filtration fluidizing, drying, straining, screening and for several industrial applications. It is also suitable for various traditional fabrication processes.

Heanjia develops metal screen to create filter cloth generation with optimized pore shape. The precision pores and flow evaluated cloth structures result into increased selectivity and flow capacity. The new clothes offer outstanding cleanability, low blocking potential, mechanical stability and durability.

The filter properties mesh screens can be customized to the specific needs of an application. Even after processing and in highly developed areas, the stated properties are maintained. Industrial filtration processes are hence permanently stable, precise, energy-efficient and cost-effective.

The woven mesh screens are primarily made of high quality and corrosion resistant materials such as Inconel, Incoloy, Hastelloy and Monel grades.  As compared to other filter media, woven mesh filters have the advantage of their specific geometry featured by wire diameter, mesh count and weave type. Even without using costly measuring systems, the pore size and permeability can be determined easily which make it feasible to choose the suitable specification for the application and create suitable conditions for manufacturing and reproducing customized screen elements, precisely and economically.

Features of Woven mesh filter cloth:

  • Precise filtration
  • Optimized cloth structure
  • Precise cut point
  • High flow rate
  • Easy to clean
  • Low blocking
  • Long life


Maintenance of required filtration effect with Monel mesh is easy as flow rate can be maintained considerably longer than traditional filter screens. The blocking instances are minimal and it is easy to clean. It leads to long-lasting, precise filtration and longer service life of the filter elements.

Low pressure loss:

When a fluid travels through a filter screen, a pressure difference develops between the inlet and outlet sides. It is based on the geometry of the filter, load and fluid properties. We are specialized in evaluating the permeability for fixed flow.

A filter weave is based on the pore size range of the mesh. By using very fine wires woven in plain weave, a variety of pores per unit area is attained. It allows very high throughput rate with small pore sizes. The heanjia screen mesh is a ideal for a surface filter which refers to determination of the smallest pore by calculating the distance between the weft wires instead by pores inside the 3D filter weave. Cleaning, back-flushing and strength are similar to the filter weave. These screens are ideal for filtration processes that demand high throughput rates with nominal filter contamination.

So contact us to get your desired filter screen chosen easily. We are here to help you at anytime.

Use of nickel mesh screens for various health and industrial services

extruder screens

With its use in stainless steels and high strength materials, nickel significantly contributes in the water supply infrastructure. It is essential for maintaining hood health and economic productivity. The strength and quality of nickel mesh, toughness and corrosion resistance make it an ideal material for use in water treatment, transportation and distribution systems. So, this is an eminently suitable for service in a wide range of conditions.

Water purification

Stainless steel mesh has common use in large water treatment plants for its reliable performance. With increase in human population in dry areas and islands where fresh water is inadequate, the need for new sources of potable water increases. The places where the fresh water is not easily available, nickel containing alloys are used to treat the polluted or seawater to convert it into drinking water.

Water storage to its original quality or discharge back into the environment or for industrial or domestic application, is another crucial challenge to meet the drinking water needs. Use of nickel based alloy mesh screens for new and existing facilities ensures the capacity for long and economical maintenance service.


Nickel alloys mesh serves people and industry by treating seawater for use as drinking water and for industrial purpose. Desalination is essential to meet the increased demand for clean water. The seawater is turned into fresh water in around 150 countries in the present time. Desalination of sea water to provide fresh water for both industrial and domestic application on a large scale is performed through reverse osmosis. Steel mesh is commonly used in various desalination processes that are popular as the specific materials for their supreme resistance to seawater corrosion and possessing high strength.

Wastewater treatment

Mesh screens have also an essential role in wastewater treatment process which involves the use of different chemicals. Due to their excellent corrosion resistance, stainless steel alloys are used in various wastewater treatment plants as they provide service for decades.

In addition to provide adequate corrosion resistance, these mesh screens also make the process cost-effective by providing service for life time. Also these screens are lightweight hence the issues of size and power of components are minimized which result in both material and energy savings.

Control water contamination

Mesh screens installed in pipe retain their integrity to maintain the water quality and prevent the entrance of contaminants. It is incredibly important in places that involve sterile conditions for example in hospitals and where the population is at risk. The properties of stainless steel mesh enable the use of effective cleaning materials and allow the use of high temperature to maintain the maximum hygiene and health protocols. The smooth mesh screens also reduce the accumulation of layers that can cause of germination of bacteria which is detrimental for health.

By using the high quality mesh screens it becomes feasible to meet the service needs as well as get environmental and economical benefits to the large level. So it is recommended to use nickel  alloy mesh screens for your challenging applications.

Effective methods to clean the filter screens for longer service

Nickel Wire Mesh Sieves and Strainers

Filter screens are a granular media representing contact filtration. The suspended solids in the fluid stream are held in the media by impinging on individual media granules, adhering to the media surface and getting entrapped in the dead-end channels between media granules.

Surface filtration is a physical sieving process using a medium like woven screen element to show a physical barrier to particles extremely large to pass through its holes. Mesh screens for sieves, filters and basket strainers adhere to this filtration mechanism. This method shows an absolute barrier to ridged particles that are larger than the openings in the filtration screen. Common examples of screen filters are with housings and stainless steel weave-wire or perforated screen elements.

Filter cleaning method

The filters are cleaned by various methods. In few methods, the screens are removed, discarded and replaced with a new element and in other methods, the screens are reused. Commonly used methods are:

  1. Manual cleaning: In this, manual cleaning of the filter is performed by removing the screen and cleaning it manually. Cleaning is performed by running water, high pressure jet, brush or other sources. The filter is then reassembled before the flow restarts. In other different types of filters, a device is used to mechanically clean the screen.
  2. Direct flushing of nickel mesh is performed by opening the dirty side of mesh during the filtration process. The screen is directly flushed to remove the debris without reversing the flow direction. This method is used only in few conditions.
  3. The back flushing method of cleaning can be conducted manually or automatically. It needs the filter screen to be taken out. Water is the flown through the screen in a reverse direction to eliminate the solids from the media and remove them from the equipment. This method is used to clean sand filters. This method involves a drawback. As soon as the cleaned open area of the screen reaches the same square level as inlet and outlet flanges, the speeds become equal throughout the filter system and further cleaning cannot occur. As standard filters have screen open areas equal to 5-10 times the cross-sectional area of the inlet and outlet flanges, the differential pressure throughout the screen counts zero after a short back-flush cycle however only a nominal part of the screen gets cleaned. This method needs frequent cleaning.
  4. Forced back-flushing: Suction scanning process involves development of a suction force by reversing the flow through a small region of screen. The differential pressure between the positive working pressure of the system and atmospheric pressure develops hence pulls the debris layer, known as filter cake. This small region is then moved across the screen surface to significantly clean the whole screen. This cleaning method can be used manually or automatic. When the flush valve on the bottom of the filter is opened, it connects the inside of a hollow tube, known as suction scanner, positioned down the middle of the cylindrical screen element to atmospheric pressure.